2. Tap 'Settings' tab.
3. Tap 'Connectivity'.
4. Tap 'Access points'.
5. Tap 'Add profile'.
6. Tap 'Connection title' enter 'Internet' (Do not tap 'Save' until directed to in these settings. Use the scroll bar to highlight the next step).
7. Tap 'Bearer' and choose 'GPRS'.
8. Tap 'Authentication' and tap 'PAP'.
9. Skip past 'Username'.
10. Skip past 'Password'.
11. Tap 'APN' and enter:
For globe: http.globe.com.ph
For smart: internet
For sun: minternet
For red mobile: redinternet
12. Then Tap 'Save'.
13. Tap the 'Back' arrow (top right hand of the screen) once.
14. Tap 'Internet profiles'.
15. Tap 'Add profile'.
16. Tap 'Title' enter 'Internet' (Do not tap 'Save' until directed to in these settings. Use the scroll bar to hightlight the next step).
17. Tap 'Use proxy' and tap 'ON'. Enter (or you can use for the proxy server and 80 for the port number.
20. Tap 'Access point' and then tap 'Internet'.
21. Then Tap 'Save'
22. Tap the 'Back' arrow (top right hand of the screen) twice.
23. Tap the 'Utilities' tab (third tab down on the right).
24. Tap 'Browser'.
25. Tap 'Settings'.
26. Tap 'Profiles'.
27. Tap 'Add profile'
28. Tap 'Title' enter 'Internet' (Do not tap 'Save' until directed to in these settings. Use the scroll bar to hightlight the next step).
29. Tap 'Homepage' enter:
For globe: http://www.globe.com.ph/globe.asp
For smart: http://wap.smart.com.ph
For sun: http://wap.suncellular.com.ph
For red mobile: http://m.redmobile.com
30. Tap 'Internet profile'.
31. Tap 'Internet'.
32. Tap 'Save'.
33. Tap 'Yes' to the question "Saved. Activate this profile?".
31. Tap the 'Back' arrow (top right hand of the screen) 4 times to get back to the standby screen.
32. Restart phone.
33. From 'Connectivity' menu tap 'Java settings'.
34. Tap 'Profiles'.
35. Tap 'Add Profile'.
36. Tap 'Service Name', type in 'Operamini'
37. Tap 'Internet Profile', then select 'Internet'.
38. Tap 'Save'.
39. Tap 'Activate'.
40. You may or may not need to restart your phone.
38. Tap 'Save'.
39. Tap 'Activate'.
40. You may or may not need to restart your phone.
FULL SCREEN Opera Mini Here:
Gagana ba to? Pahelp po... LG GT505 CP ko po